Vulcanair P68 Observer - Police Force Indian Ocean

The aircraft is equipped with a mechanical lifting device and a moveable operator workstation.

This new multi-mission aircraft is configured with a TRAKKA TC-300 and is optimized for a 2-man crew – Pilot and Sensor Operator. Additionally, the aircraft has two supplementary positions for a second Pilot and a Sensor Operator for training purposes. The sensor remains in stowed position within the aircraft for take-off and landing by a specially designed Airborne Technologies lifting unit which can easily be lowered by hand for the mission.

The complete integrated mission package consists of a TRAKKA sensor, monitor & moving map, and a downlink. Furthermore, the Sensor Operator monitor is adjustable, so it can be moved to an ergonomic working position for the mission and stowed during take-off and landing.






Camera in changing position



Trakka TC-300 in Surveillance Position



Moveable Screen

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