AW139 - LIMA Aviation LLC

Implementation of the Smith Myers ARTEMIS Mobile Phone Detection, Location & Communication system, in partnership with LIMA Aviation LLC as local partner in the UAE.

This cutting-edge project involved the installation of the system into nine AW139 search and rescue helicopters belonging to a UAE government customer, with the first installation already completed.

This project represents the collaboration between the teams of Airborne Technologies, LIMA Aviation and Smith Myers aimed at delivering innovative and reliable airborne surveillance solutions to UAE government customer.

Bell 407GXi - Polish Police Bell 407GXi - Polish Police

As a subcontractor of JB Investments we have upgraded four Bell 407GXi with an Airborne LINX Surveillance package for the Polish Police.

EC135 – Eliance for Catalonian Police EC135 – Eliance for Catalonian Police

Upgrade of an EC135 including design, production, installation, testing, EASA certification and training. 

AW109 - REGA Switzerland AW109 - REGA Switzerland

The Swiss SAR Service REGA added with an external camera lift and a workstation surveillance capability to their fleet.